[power-pro] How to have recent folders bar show up at Save As dialog box?
frewsax@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2017-12-17 20:15:47 UTC

I'm trying to get the formatting etc set up just right in order to have a recent folders
bar show up whenever I have a Save As dialog box comes up.

This is working fine for having a bar of manually entered folders come up, which is wonderful:

List: customfolders

Then at edit list item dialog:

Enter Keys:

{to folder}C:\
More commands:

*Keys {enter}

So I'm hoping to get some help in taking perhaps that basic idea and adapting it
so that, when a Save As dialog box comes up, a similar kind of bar will come up,
but this time with a bunch of recent folders that I have recently navigated to with
my Save As dialog boxes, as I've saved items to various locations.

At Setup I have Track explorer folders> 32 enabled.

So what I have so far is a sort of duplicate of some of the above customfolders command list.

List: DialogBox_Recent (as with above, auto show as bar enabled)


Then at edit list item dialog:


*Menu Menu action

sort order:

Now when I go to save a file from a program, the bar comes up
but I can never get the menu to become populated with anything.
All I see is "Explorer LastAccessed", and greyed out is the word "Empty"

So now I'm wondering what to do in order to get some folders showing up in the
bar that shows up?

My goal is, whenever a Save As (or Open) dialog box shows up, to have a bar (of recent folders
I've recently saved files in) show up, so I can then click on a recent folder in the bar,
and have it bring me to that folder in the Save As dialog box.

Thanks for any ideas.
brucexs@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2017-12-17 23:03:03 UTC
Sorry, Menu Explorer works only for recent explorer folders, not file dialog recent folder.

However, Windows does keep a recent folders (at least on my win10 machine). Google recent folders windows to find out out to put it under quick access.

Or if you want to try a submenu of folder bar: You may something similar to what you want by using Menu Folder to display the Windows recent files

The recent files is located at

where yourid needs to replaced by your signon id. Use explorer to navigate to the this folder to check it.

The command that worked for me in the folders bar was

Maxtext 32 cmd "exec tofolder"

where the line starting maxtext goes into format keywords of menu folder command entry controls.
frewsax@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2017-12-18 00:49:01 UTC
Once again, thank you so very much for your help and ideas.

Yes I like that recent folders menu idea very much.

I added on small addition (sorttime) to the format keywords field
so that the most recent of the recent show at the top of the list when I click on the bar.

sorttime Maxtext 32 cmd "exec tofolder"

At this time I'm liking this option better than Windows quick access.

So I very much appreciate you relaying this very fun and useful idea to me.

I love your program! So helpful in my workflow. Thanks again.
brucexs@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2017-12-18 21:36:45 UTC
Glad this was helpful to you. FWIW, when I used this feature, I found Windows put more entries in the folder than I wanted, So I used the following command as a startup scheduled event to delete entries not modified in the last 7 days,. file
7 recent
frewsax@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2017-12-21 22:54:44 UTC
Actually this is very helpful, Thanks for the idea. Much appreciated.
I set it here to

1 recent

makes list nice and short, relevant to most current activities I'm doing,
helps a lot actually.
sureshnawras@yahoo.co.uk [power-pro]
2017-12-22 20:21:35 UTC
I have utilized this code, working great, but is it possible to show only folders in the list?
brucexs@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2017-12-23 10:43:06 UTC
No, I am afraid not because the "no files" switch is not able to work with the folder shortcuts in recent.

You could try a short script to work through all the shortcuts in the recent folder using file.listfiles and copy only the folders to a temporary folder. Then menu.folder that folder. File.isfolder will detect shortcuts to folders in my tests.