[power-pro] Long time ...
vesfatica@gmail.com [power-pro]
2018-10-07 17:52:01 UTC
Hi, Bruce. Long time no ...

An old PowerPro is still working fine on my ancient Win7/32 machine, but I haven't done any configuring in years. I was happy to see that the latest version on Win10/64 is pretty much the same. It all comes back pretty quickly. I have a few questions.

I put "*Configure CommandLists" on a button. PowerPro added "*wiz" and when I use the button, I get

How do I get around that? I just want the "Command Lists" tab to come up.

Is there a way to say "every button on this bar should be 64 pixels wide?

Is the DLL injection still necessary? I don't use anything that needs hooks.


- Vince
brucexs@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2018-10-23 09:14:55 UTC
I don;'t recommand use of the wizard. It is for new configuations only. Delete or rename your pproconf.pcf.

Polssibly checking same width on command list properties and setting width of first button will do what you want.

Dll injection is used for other things besides. That won't be changing.
brucexs@yahoo.com [power-pro]
2018-10-23 09:43:26 UTC
I don;'t recommand use of the wizard. It is for new configuations only.

If you want to see it, delete or rename your pproconf.pcf and run the configure. If that does not work, install powerpro again and use a new folder for configuration.

Possibly checking same width on command list properties and setting width of first button will do what you want.

Dll injection is used for other things besides. That won't be changing.